NetEase exploration on May 4
According to United Kingdom, of the daily mail reported that cost us $ 10 million in Canada MOST space telescope have discovered a strange extra “Super Earth”. This extrasolar planet known as “55 Cancri
E “, density and lead close, only less than 18 hours a year, are scientists study the planet in the process of evolution and survival of the most groundbreaking discoveries.
Comparison of two planetary systems. Left in front of the Sun through the Earth and Jupiter, as Super planet 55 Cancri e right in front of its parent star 55 Cancri a through, covers a small area of the parent star. 55 Cancri a is today a class of stars.
Art concept map, showing the extra Super planet 55 Cancri e scenes. The planet and the density of lead is around the parent star runs took less than 18 hours a week.
This Rocky planets (left), 21,000 kilometers in diameter, larger than the Earth 60%, mass and density is Earth 8 times and twice times, respectively, around the star 55 Cancri a (right) orbit.
Only a suitcase size of Canada MOST space telescope, it found a super planet 55 Cancri e.
55 Cancri
E is the density maximum of solid planets found so far, is very close to Earth, we can observe with the naked eye it around the star 55 Cancri
A。 This is a rocky planets, 21,000 kilometers in diameter, larger than the Earth 60%, mass and density is Earth 8 times and twice times respectively. Despite the surface temperature close to 2,700 degrees, some astronomers still recognized
55 Cancri e may have atmosphere, thanks to its powerful gravity.
Planets of this type is called “Super Earth” that has the atmosphere, the volume is equivalent to the Earth
Planet 10 times. Because it is possible is solid or have liquid oceans, Super Earth has always been a major interest of scientists. Is solid and has a liquid Ocean means that if the appropriate temperature and other conditions, they are to be
Can become potential extraterrestrial homeland. Canada British Columbia task scientist at the University jiemi·Ma Theseus said: “it’s very strange, are Rocky super model of the Earth. It is by far in the solar system or systems
Solid planet found outside of the density maximum. Your weight on this planet will be 3 times on Earth. ”
MOST of the University of British Columbia (micro-and oscillations of stars telescope English shrinkage
Write) low cost of the telescope, volume only a suitcase size. According to the telescope’s observations, 55 Cancri e around the star 55 Cancri
A running track, two are in close proximity, bypass just 17 hours 41 minutes a week. Professor Matthews says: “when the day of the parent star looks 60 times larger than the evening times, brightness is 3,600 times times at night. In this line
Life on a star, you don’t need to calculated by calendar day, with a watch on it. ”
55 Cancri e 40 light years from Earth, around the star 55 Cancri
Or a is a g-type star and Sun-like yellow dwarf stars. 55 Cancri a in the cancer constellation, the next two months, we can observe this star to the naked eye. 55 e
Is part of a planetary system with four, and since 1997 has been at the scientists monitored. Because of the density maximum and is very close to Earth, the extrasolar planet comes into focus. The planetary system is through
“Doppler method” is found, that cannot be observed by measuring gravitational pull of the planets star as a result of shaking.
Although hell’s high temperature means that 55 Cancri e
Unlikely to life, but this type of planetary scientists are eager to use telescope observations. Wrote papers on the main person, United States qiaoshi·weien, MIT said: “brightness of the parent star to a lot of sensitive
Measurement of viable, 55 Cancri
E are ideal for testing theories of planet formation, evolution and survival laboratories. Can be observed with the naked eye stars and learn about one of its orbit around Planet discovery of the mass and RADIUS is a very wonderful, especially
-Like a such a strange planet. “The found equally Matthews in excitement. He said: “this is for the Star Trek Captain Kirk in the things. We finally caught up with potentially more than science fiction
Product. This is a dream of my childhood. ”
MOST is a micro-satellite in an orbit around the Earth, is Canada part of NASA space missions. Carried its telescope with a spectrophotometer, for measurement of distant stars
Brightness. In 2003, the Canada Space Agency launches MOST, originally scheduled to perform a one-year mission to study 10 stars. Almost 8 years later, MOST are still in service, has more than 2000 stars
For observation. Matthews, mentioned this telescope cost us $ 10 million, said: “we spend the least amount of money put on the most significant discoveries. “The participation of 55 Cancri
E observation team members including the Massachusetts Institute of technology, University of British Columbia, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and the University of California at Santa Cruz astronomer.
Source: daily mail compilation: SHOOTER
Tags: added, Earth, Earths, extraspace, found, Super, telescope, times, volume
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