
Samsung Apple patent war upgrade: 10 then sued Apple for patent infringement

Samsung yesterday to United States San Jose, California (San Jose) Federal Court to file a complaint, that Apple infringement of her 10 cell phone patent.
Apple suing Samsung Smartphone and Tablet PC copy of this month, then Samsung Seoul, Tokyo, Germany Mannheim counterclaims Apple. One week later, Samsung expand counterclaims again.

Samsung think Apple related patent violation with the following features: “associated with basic innovations, increase the reliability of mobile devices, enhanced efficiency and quality, improving the user interface of mobile phones and other products. “Samsung explained in the file, these patented technology allows mobile phone calls while online, improve the sending of text messages and attachments; reducing the interference of mobile devices; and increasing the capacity of mobile network.

Last year, Samsung in the United States patent applied for second place in the ranking, second only to IBM, it tried to block Apple use its own innovation, and to ask for reparations.

Samsung said in a statement: “Apple constantly Samsung patent violations, unauthorized use of these patented technologies. ”

On April 15, Apple sued Samsung infringe upon their seven patents, mainly related to the user gesture recognition, including select, scroll and zoom features; also has three patents and design related.

Tags: Apple, infringement, patent, Samsung, upgrade

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