
[8P] Tencent Sina micro-blog to successive test Twitter chat for personal [private] letter package

On March 2, SINA microblog users open microblogging site screenshot of the chat window. This chat window much like WebQQ Web page or Gmail Chat features, but its substance is just another form of showing a microblogging personal letter selfish. Chat object limit is Twitter friends with chat rather than Sina UC friends.
Recently, Tencent microblogging began closed beta exactly Twitter chat, spookily the same microblogging friends only, no integration and QQ friends.

Here is users release Sina Micro-Blog chat interface. Chat object qualification is currently Twitter friends, but has said that the function’s future goal is integration with UC open up. Even though said within a week to online, but until now this feature is also not open to the whole network users.

Source: SINA Twitter users USMBA

Photo: something of the Internet

From this message has occurred more than a month, SINA is still not introduced the feature to all users. Don’t know the worry is what? SINA to deal with also no official client, what can the “difficult decision”?

In recent days also have micro-g.bonnet of Tencent appear virtually identical Twitter chat logging. If SINA unconformity UC is because UC was too weak, and that Tencent will not Twitter chat integrated into the QQ is unacceptable. I think that may be encountered technical difficulties.

Tencent’s chat feature cannot even save chat log, so that it is pure personal letter selfish and too much like. Last might be developed as a function of Elaphurus, Tencent launched should also be cautious before.

Photo: Parang images

Domestic micro-blogging and Twitter on a significantly different development path, form and function a variety of media is almost crazy developed and then packed into the big pockets of microblogging. Simply does not limit the number of words like Sohu microblogging gaofa more wanted to Rob a Tumblr website (such as dot) of their jobs. Quite a little “micro-blogging is a basket, can hold anything” spirit. Just don’t know this kind of operation, benefits have on the development of the micro-blogging itself and several other sharpened head to develop “XX micro-blogging” functionality – especially the follow suit Tencent microblogging – will end up just “bread bread” made wedding clothes?

LJ@cnBeta Roundup

Tags: letter, microblog, package, personal, private, successive, Tencent, Twitter

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