
IE9 in privacy protection Wansheng Firefox and Chrome

According to foreign media reports, IE9 is currently done in protecting user privacy is the best browser, is stronger in the latest release of Firefox and Chrome. Because IE9 allow users to control whether trace their own online behavior and set preferences, these functions to DOM properties and HTTP headers, as well as ways of protection. In addition to the Chrome browser other than, such as Firefox, in the track header file has also done a good job, but still fall far short of meeting the real need to protect user privacy.

In contrast, Google in privacy protection is not doing well, it opposes California Assembly Bill No. 761, the Act requires that all companies must give the user refused to collect, use and storage of personal information rights. In fact, Chrome is the only one free track headers feature of browsers are not supported.

Tracking protection established in the protection list for IE9 (TPLs) on the basis of the lists provided by the leading online privacy. This feature is off by default, the user needs to enable it, in the TPL is found and added to the browser.

TPL has black and white lists-, you can limit the types of IE9 interacting with the site information, at the same time also blocks tracking and data collection.

Tags: Chrome, Firefox, privacy, protection, Wansheng

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